Sunday, May 23, 2010

Being lazy for the Lord

I love this site.
No one does Christian satire like this guy.

I went to a school once, for a very short time, where God apparently spoke to everyone....every day. They'd tell me all about it. He spoke to them and told them what they should have for breakfast, what to do with their time, how to feel, think, breathe. I had a hard time with that, because God never told me a dang thing, not even what to have for breakfast. I had to make those hard decisions on my own. (Not that I often steered far away from the pastry/coffee shop down the block). But still....pity me please.

He didn't "say" much of anything to me at all. So, I wondered....was I just less of a Christian? Not devout enough? Not listening enough? Not trying hard enough?

Eventually I realized I just wasn't cut out for that cut out scene and I cut on out of that place. But it's a concept that still bothers me to this day. What if we're one of those unlucky people who can't hear God speak to them like the others? But we still pray, and we still ask for direction. Right? But then what? What do we do in that awkward mean time? Wait? Believe? Hope? Wish? Oooh, that last one makes the Christian nervous, perhaps. Act? Without God's specific direction? Eh....

This article somewhat addresses this issue and I'm glad, frankly. It gives me the boost of confidence I need to feel ok pursuing things I'm interested in, even though I've asked for specific direction from God because I want to make the right choices. I've been nervous to try too hard for something I want just in case it's something that God doesn't really want me to do or have. I've been waiting for this divine intervention that's going to change the course of my life forever, that gives me the road map to awesomeness planned out by the Big Guy himself. And in the meantime as I wait for the big booming voice....I've become lazy.

Remember the story about the guy in the flood? If not, I'll do a horrible job of summarizing it for you.

There's a guy, on his roof, in a flood, asking God to save him. And he sends away the boat saying "God will save me!" And he sends away the helicopter saying, "God will save me!" And then he dies in the flood? And when he gets to heaven, he's confused and asks God, why didn't you save me, God? And God replies, I sent you a boat and a helicopter!

Er...something like that.


Fine line isn't it? Read this link. I think he hits the nail on the head....ooh, a cliche!

Being lazy for the Lord.

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Debbie said...

We should talk about this at small group! What a fascinating subject!

Clarissa said...

Thanks for the post! I really related.