Thursday, May 27, 2010

One hour

In this one hour that I have before I'm out the door, I should be cleaning my house, as we have a playdate at 12:30, and as I'm just coming off of working a long stretch of long night hours that make me so tired I do nothing for days afterward, my house sorely needs help. Bills need to be paid too. Laundry is scarce. No,'s all located in a giant pile by the laundry room.

But I need coffee, and I need the internet, and here we the minutes slip away. But I'm not caring much, because I tend to clean better when under extreme pressure. I clean better AND faster. So, all I need is a little incentive, some high pressure circumstances, and 45 minutes.


I also wanted to add that I can no longer reach my feet. I nearly stroked out trying to tie my shoes at work. Remind me to enjoy these last two months.

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