Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Things aren't so bad, really.

My mom always told me, in times of trouble, to picture whatever your facing turning into your worst case scenario and decide what you would do if that happened. Every time I've done just that I've come up with these conclusions:

1. Things are not as bad as my worst case scenario....not even close.

2. I would probably be able to handle my worst case scenario if it did happen.

3. I'm thankful I'm not facing my worst case scenario.

These are the same conclusions I've come to today. I'm not THAT sick. I'm not stuck in the hospital with no forseeable end in sight. I'm otherwise healthy. I'm a bit chairbound, but I can use the bathroom myself. I can get up and get something I need. I can move my legs. My children are well. I have a lovely fam. I have a fabulous family, wonderful friends, and a cute pup.

And in light of those revelations, I'm doing well. Just fine, in fact.

However, I'd love to feel better while doing well. :) Perhaps that will be possible soon. I'd really like that. :)

1 comment:

Tara said...

Rock it, woman.

Love you,