Sunday, November 15, 2009

Raising Dorks

I love reading stuff on the internet. It's actually quite new to me, which is super odd because the internet has been out there for quite some time, and I've been alive for all of it. Anyway, it is rare to find something good to read other than your friends' blogs and facebook updates (which is really a stretch to be calling a "good read", although I can't seem to kick the habit). But sometimes, just sometimes, you come across something that actually makes you laugh, or at the very least, makes you think. This guy does both.

Stuff Christians Like.

He's very funny. And while some Christians may get offended (what else is new?)'s like our fav thing to do, he's just speaking his mind. Take it for what it's worth. I think it's humorous.

Here's a funny entry about raising dorks. It resonated with me considering I am raising girls that fantasize about being Hannah Montana. I think he might be on to something....:)

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